Thursday, April 23, 2009

There's method in my madness

Good day old chaps,

Today, it has been speculated, is Shakespeare's birthday. Around that claim is uncertainty, but if anything it is most definitely his death day. Shakespeare was tight and his tightness remains in our day to day language, which I never really thought about but learned about today in my linguistics class. What resulted from that was a .2 second Google search, which led me to a list of well-known "phrases from Shakespeare". On the interesting scale, it's pretty interesting. Either way, it got me to thinking about how I have not read any of the old bean's work since high school...let me go ahead and add that to the 1000830128312 other things that I want to read and/or do.

In other news, this week is Wisconsin Severe Weather Awareness Week. Right now I can hear the sweet tornado siren, which means perhaps I am going to have to do some evacuation or something weird like that so I'll go ahead and bail sess on this whole thing.

As merry as the day is long,


  1. I love you! This is brilliant! Viva la Shakespeare! Alas, poor Yorik!
